Home Improvement Loan

  • Loans Disbursed 767
  • Amounting to
    PKR 116.9 Million

For clients who require financial capital for home repair, incremental construction, and renovation if they have completed at least three productive loans with KKK and KMWK. Additionally, clients with an active KSK loan can also apply. The applicant must have lived in the same house (they own) for at least 5 years and should have multiple sources of income to ensure their ability to repay the loan.

Target Market and Purpose For clients who require financial capital for home repair, incremental construction, and renovation if they have completed at least three productive loans with KKK and KMWK. Additionally, clients with an active KSK loan can also apply. The applicant must have lived in the same house (they own) for at least 5 years and should have multiple sources of income to ensure their ability to repay the loan.


Insurance – Life Insurance Facility (Free)
– Health insurance coverage of client and family members
Tenure of the loan 12,18,24,30,36 Months
Loan amount Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 300,000