Financial Education Training
1.7 Million
Women Trained -
On Improved
Financial Practices
These are offered primarily to women micro-entrepreneurs, and to a small number of young girls from the community. The contents of these trainings cover financial management skills and capabilities to help women micro-entrepreneurs improve their financial management capacities. Moreover, the program offers advanced financial management training to selected participants to further hone and develop their skills.
- 92% of 39,186 trained clients in the financial management program showed an increase in knowledge of the procedure of opening a bank account.
- 99% of trainees had a strengthened understanding of profit and loss calculations.
- 97% of trained clients in the financial management program were better able to make household and business budgets.
Client Testimonial

“I’m amazed at how basic concepts of savings and budgeting can boost business incomes tremendously. The power to be the change is in the hands of a financially independent woman and she herself is the driver to positively impact her family,”
Shabana Ashfaq, Karachi.