Child Protection and Safeguarding

  • 196 schools
    have participated
  • with 850 teachers
    and school owners

Kashf has been a strong advocate of creating awareness on child sexual abuse and has also been leveraging on the impact of media campaigns involving drama serials and radio campaigns to address this critical social issue. By educating the masses and suggesting precautions on how to tackle this social evil, Kashf aims to build a future in which the victimization of children is a thing of the past.

Interactive sessions are undertaken with teachers and school owners that are part of the Kashf School Sarmaya program for awareness on Child Sexual Abuse, how to tackle and identify problems associated with it, train teachers on the concept of strangers, physical and emotional abuse, negligence on part of the family members and provide an implementation plan for a safe school environment and aims to develop an understanding relationship between the student and teacher.

Client Testimonial

“Parents don’t want to disclose that their child is sexually abused and this is their personal matter so no one can interfere but after the trainings conducted by kashf, hopefully child sexual abuse will be less associated with shame and will be discussed more openly.” Margaret Amir, Principal from Kasur, New Life School