Business Development Training
Graduated 40,880
Trainees Till Date
The training was offered to women micro-entrepreneurs to improve business management practices through engaging experiential content. Participants were trained to transition their traditional businesses to become successful e-commerce businesses. These new agile businesses can continue to be operational during lockdowns and pandemics.
Exposure visits to markets, and building negotiation skills and confidence levels were part of the comprehensive training curriculum. Some women participants were also selected to be part of Advanced Business Accelerator Training to further augment the impact of their learning.
- 90% reported acquiring the knowledge of how to open a bank account
- 99% reported knowing how to calculate the profit/loss of their business
- 95% reported learning how to make budgets for their business.
- 85% reported knowing how to use the internet for business.
Client Testimonial

“Kashf Foundation has been the pillar of support during my trying times. It has provided me assistance during those times when even my family members had left me. Today as result of the business training I am able to display my creations in exhibitions and supply my suits to multiple vendors who were introduced to me by the Kashf trainer,” says Farzana, Haripur