Social Theatre Performances
Performances -
115,000 Participants Sensitized
Some of the major hurdles that women entrepreneurs face and which limit the growth of their businesses are related to socio-cultural norms that impact on their access to markets, access to resources within and outside the household and their overall mobility. Mostly, these hurdles are related to prevalent attitudes regarding the role of women in the household and in society. Media can be pivotal in terms of influencing and transforming mind-sets.
Over the years, Kashf Foundation has been using the principles of “theater for development” to initiate a process of change within communities by developing short theatre performances on key social issues. Kashf’s theatre performances are an essential platform for raising awareness and stimulating dialogue. Its interactive nature allows Kashf to effectively communicate with its beneficiaries, their families and communities at large. Performances have been based on themes like child marriage, girls’ education, harassment of women and women’s empowerment and these performances have taken place in communities across Kashf’s network.
Client Testimonial

“After attending the theatre performance, I am more eager to educate my girls and not have them married off at an early age because it curtails their decision making power. Such a program is essential for awareness at the community level.”
Shamshad Begum, participant from Shujabad.