July 26, 2023

Kashf Foundation Has Been Awarded Best Innovative Business By Pakistan Banking Awards,2022

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Kashf Foundation has been recognized and awarded the Pakistan Banking Award in the category of the Best Innovative Business. This recognition comes as a result of Kashf’s commitment to increasing the financial inclusion of women through innovative products and services, particularly in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and economic slowdown.

Understanding the challenges faced by women micro-entrepreneurs during the pandemic, Kashf took proactive measures to support them such as introducing new products, providing trainings for digital transitions, rescheduling loans, and recapitalizing businesses impacted by Covid-19. These innovative approaches have not only helped make the banking sector in Pakistan more client-friendly but also played a role in improving its perception.

Kashf has also played a vital role in advancing the digital finance infrastructure in the country. By promoting the penetration of digital finance and supporting the digitalization of the banking sector, Kashf has facilitated loan repayments through alternate delivery channels (ADCs) and introduced mobile wallet disbursements for its clients. This has not only increased convenience for clients but also set a precedent in the industry, as Kashf became one of the first institutions to transition its recovery and repayment collection to ADCs.

Through these groundbreaking initiatives, Kashf Foundation continues to empower and support women micro-entrepreneurs, making a significant impact on financial inclusion and transforming the banking landscape in Pakistan.