Kashf Sahulat Karza
Loans Disbursed 204,971
Amounting to
PKR 1.3 Billion
Kashf Sahulat Karza is available for existing clients to provide a cash inflow to meet emergency expenses or needs that may come up over the course of their loan tenure with Kashf. This loan can be used for any domestic or emergency needs and does not have to be used to address a business need.
Features and Specifications
Target market | Active Business loan customers with good repayment capacity, to meet the small household urgent needs. Easily loan processing and no additional documentation required. |
Tenure of the loan | 6 months (and can only be taken if the client has 6 installments remaining in their primary Loan). |
Loan amount | Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 7,000 |
Client Testimonial

“When my daughter’s fees bill for 3 months came along with a notice of getting dropped from the enrollment list if we didn’t pay by the deadline, I was so worried. Then my BDO told me about the KSK and I was able to quickly get the money to pay her school fees. I am very happy with this emergency loan” Shakila bibi, Multan